Thursday, January 7, 2010

Katsura Imperial Villa

Katsura Rikyū, also known as the Katsura Imperial villa, is widely regarded as the perfect example of Japanese architecture and garden design. Completed in 1645, the minimal use of decoration and uncomplicated plan is profoundly modern. The reflective pond, the gardens, the pebbled footpaths and the graceful villa rest peacefully in the private estate; a stark conrast to lively, crowded Kyoto which is just beyond the walls. While strolling, I heard a soft splashing; it was a groundskeeper sweeping a handmade broom over coal-black stones in a small stream. I can still hear that delicate swishing sound when I look at my photos.

Located in Kyoto, Japan, the villa can be viewed only on tours arranged by the Imperial Household Agency. Tours are limited to a small group of eight, which assures a tranquil, leisurely visit.

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