Friday, August 5, 2011


I was first introduced to the Mexican painter Jesús Helguera (1910-1971) by way of a large reproduction of Gesto Azteca dominating the dining room of La Choza restaurant in Rogers Park. An idealized warrior in combat has been cornered on a precipice; with one arm he cradles a lovely maiden who drapes across him in a perfect come-hither swoon. What's that? He hasn't broken a sweat,
surely this will have a happy ending...

 Gesto Azteca, 1961

Grandeza Azteca, 1948

La Leyenda de los Volcanes, 1941

1 comment:

VkngPrnce said...

omg! you remember la choza restaurant in rogers park! i used to love that place!

i grew up there and have been looking for a wall hanging of gesto azteca for a million years!

any ideo where i can find one?

i would hang it over my bed, immediately!
